A comic book mini-series published by Wildstorm Productions based on the game will be released.
They were introduced in a four-issue comic book mini-series published by Image Comics in 1994.
X-Infernus is a four-issue comic book mini-series that started December 2008.
First Comics published a comic book mini-series in 1987 based on the show.
Mass Effect: Evolution is a four-part comic book mini-series.
Sirius Entertainment published a 4-issue comic book mini-series based on the game from 1996-1998.
A five-issue comic book mini-series based on the game began in April 2009.
Modern Warfare 2: Ghost is a six-part comic book mini-series.
Blood Nation is a four-issue comic book mini-series by Platinum Studios.
A six-part comic book mini-series related to the game has also been produced.