My Bed 1990, a construction of UV lights, canvas, wood and paint, certainly isn't my idea of a comfy, horizontal resting place for weary bones.
Penguin is a very nice place to stay, not so comfy but really cool.
Atop this raised edge is a cushioned wrist support that provides a comfy resting place for the palm's heel.
It's a stylish, comfy place to watch the beautiful people.
A pool, lots of towels, comfy places to sit and lie down, a shower; there really is no reason to ever go inside.
P Map A friendly, comfy place to enjoy excellent, good-value renditions of all the Indian classics, including a long list of vegetarian dishes.
The laundry room is also becoming a comfy, cozy place.
Today's big-ticket item is an $8,000 confessional with lighting, soundproofing, climate control and a comfy place to sit or kneel.
This comfy place in Bricktown serves over 150 bottled beers and has another 100 on tap.
He'd finally found a comfy resting place and had curled up into a ball, and now someone was using him as a cushion- There wasn't a great deal of noise.