Looked like solid rock, but felt like comfy cushions.
Armfuls of comfy cushions give a welcoming feel to a room, and you can add your own touches with fabric paints.
Everyone likes some comfy cushions when they're feeling a little under the weather, don't they?
Relative, because the endowment, currently at $285 million, provides a comfy cushion.
Make more comfy cushions with these Quilted Pillow Patterns.
That makes for a comfy cushion when the market tumbles - and helps explain the active managers' better performance last year.
There are only six rooms, most with breezy porches accessorized with couches and big comfy cushions, so book ahead.
"What happened to the comfy cushions?"
The space was filled with comfy cushions, glowing candles and pulsating house music.
R Map Zebra-print armchairs and comfy cushions are ideal for lounging over a morning coffee, afternoon tea or evening drink.