Despite the bare bulkheads and naked decks, the lack of furniture, ample bedding, and bright-colored pillows made comfortable nooks for lounging and sleeping.
But now there is a new mayor in this comfortable nook of winding streets and handsome old trees, and something curious is happening.
Furbetrance moved into its shelter with Manda still in the saddle and blew flame at the cold stone to make a comfortable if temporary nook.
One would have to walk down a slight incline to reach the comfortable nook.
He came down from the huge maple and fled from the camp, leaving the ore to its snooze in the comfortable nook.
Please allow time to sit quietly in a comfortable nook to read or reflect.
It had a dry floor and some comfortable nooks.
He followed his ruler from the greenhouse, and Benjamin's armsman fell in at their heels while they crossed to a comfortable nook beside a splashing fountain.
Leather chairs, a couch and ottomans form a comfortable nook for the overflow crowd from the adjacent bar, where patrons were lined up three deep on the nights I visited.
"All right," Mason said, and followed her to a comfortable nook.