Like a comet streaking across the often staid sky of Connecticut politics, his trajectory has often been mesmerizing, like him or not.
Like a comet streaking across the night sky, the Pistons have only a fading dusty trail to show for their spectacular, 64-victory regular season.
It took no great stretch to imagine this new comet, seemingly aimed at the observer, streaking in for a doomsday collision.
I watched the vampire come at me like a comet streaking across the heavens, something elemental and otherworldly.
Behind that, a light show conjures a comet streaking through a multicolored sky.
Like a comet streaking across the dawn, the dragon arced down, and now it had a target.
While reviewing pictures of the planet Jupiter, astronomer Jennifer Dreiser (Joanna Miles) discovers a new comet streaking through space.
They said this was the first direct evidence for the theorized Kuiper Belt, the source of all the comets streaking among the planets with short-period orbits of about 20 years or less.
Angel was the moon, the sun, the stars, and all the comets streaking through infinite galaxies: an ever-shining light.
While on the roof Brad sees what appears to be a comet streaking the sky, falling somewhere in the distance.