As the comet approaches the sun, the spacecraft will land and hop multiple times.
There he meets Sawyer, a government agents who reveals that the major world governments know a massive comet is approaching Earth.
When comets approach the sun, however, energy from the sun causes some of the solids to vaporize, making the pretty tail.
A comet is approaching that will kill all but the elect and their master, Serendipity.
Unfortunately, a comet that emits radiation and crosses Earth's path only once in every 850 years or so is quickly approaching.
He was in beautiful downtown Burbank, and his comet was approaching perigee.
A comet is approaching, and it will bring ill fortune to the world.
Meanwhile, the comet gradually approached, growing in apparent diameter and brightness.
As the comet approaches the sun and becomes more active, the spacecraft will be able to record surface changes.
The comet was rapidly approaching perihelion when it was discovered.