Still, the fact that it is executed by sure-footed comedy veterans more than makes up for the sin of familiarity.
Other familiar silent comedy veterans in the cast include Bud Jamison, Lucien Littlefield, Johnny Arthur, Mickey Daniels, and ex-Keystone Cops Chester Conklin, Edgar Kennedy and Al St. John.
A comedy veteran, Shatner suggested making the show's characters as comfortable working in space as they would be at sea, thus having Kirk be a humorous "good-pal-the-captain, who in time of need would snap to and become the warrior".
"When you're ready is relative," said Tom Gianas, a comedy veteran who has directed stage shows for Sarah Silverman, Bob Odenkirk and Michael Moore, and who is the show runner on "Human Giant."
In 2010 he was selected to perform alongside a slew of international comedy veterans in the Sydney Comedy Festival's Cracker Night gala, a rare feat considering he did not actually have a show in the festival.
Also in the cast were future comedy veterans Imogene Coca and Sterling Holloway.
The musical enjoyed a successful production in 1921 in London at the Winter Garden Theatre, starring British musical comedy veterans George Grossmith, Jr. and Leslie Henson, which ran for 387 performances.
Life Magazine praised the performers, especially Betty Grable "who can dance and sing like a May breeze" and Merman and Lahr "two musical comedy top form."
The show stars two comedy veterans, Bob Newhart and Judd Hirsch.
With comedy veterans like Sid Caesar and Jack Carter on hand, the guest of honor enthusiastically remembered some pretty ancient material: "It's a thrill to be here tonight.