Langston also created comedic situations for Candid Camera and appeared in several of his own segments.
As the story progresses the group are often involved in comedic and funny situations, but their sense of family deepens.
The comedic situations produced by the actors and the reactions of the unknowinlgy fooled are to entertain viewers.
His ambiguous sexuality is used as a catalyst for many comedic situations and one-liners.
The women soon realize that the men expect them to do perform all of the work while they relax, leading to several comedic situations.
It is a gag show featuring children in various comedic situations.
Anyone who can use the expression "very comedic situation" doesn't have what we call a sense of humour.
I grew up in an environment that delighted in the deft comedic situation.
Social issues are increasingly seen as good material for dramatic and comedic situations as well as a positive use of television's immense influence.
However, the play is still a comedy, and the social agenda stands besides romantic intrigue and traditional comedic situations.