Instead, they decided to swing in the far opposite direction, playing the pregnancy for all of its dramatic, physical and comedic possibilities.
Think of the comedic possibilities.
There isn't the all-out mayhem of a Keystone Kops chase, none of the comedic possibilities of, say, the alimentary canal.
I knew it was full of all kinds of comedic possibilities, as well as telling a very poignant story about the human condition.
With limited resources available, the writers chose the mockumentary format for its combination of low budget requirements and comedic possibilities.
The book's setup offers great comedic possibilities.
The "monster in the closet" fear was developed for comedic possibilities in film Monsters, Inc..
She becomes their stepmother, and infinite comedic possibilities arise out of the oddity of her tender age and their behaviour towards her.
Margo Kaufman, a humorist, writer and radio commentator with a keen instinct for the comedic possibilities in the mundane, died on Friday at her home in Los Angeles.
Its weirdly jarring in sentences discussing the 'comedic possibilities of a scene or the 'comedic talents of a performer.