Another monster sea came up, with the same result, but it was unnerving to watch them.
On Monday, the man at the hospital called and said he was coming to my office with the result.
The next day he tried again, going to another recruiting office, but he came back to the Baron with the same result.
Other talented people came forward, with the result that it was very late when Daja, Tris, Briar and their teachers went to their rooms.
Or someone else may come forward, with the same result.
And along with that talent, fortuitously, comes an ever-expanding film market, with the result that the two feed off each other.
Gesten went to answer it, coming back with the expected result.
The gunpowder never came near the firing mechanism, with the result that the bullet never left the gun.
And subscription renewal forms for magazines come to readers six months in advance - with the result that absent-minded householders wind up subscribing twice.
However, the incident involving Mely and Cullen had come to the attention of the stewards with the result that both were penalised.