Beacons came with ships, already sealed.
They will find it most unintelligent when my people come ten months from now with ships that can wipe out this city in a moment's time.
By the 1820s Māori had learnt the benefit of working in larger groups especially when it came to trading with ships.
And if the assault came in from the sea, with ships bearing dragonels that battered the waterfront into rubble?
These peoples come to Malacca with junks, pangajavas and ships, and by 1511, Malacca had a population of 50,000 people, including a resident trade community that spoke 84 languages.
I will come with ships, and I will come in force.
All around the world, wherever Chinese vessels came in contact with American ships, there would be bloodshed.
A stone jetty came into view, with ships moored alongside, and, behind, a row of shops: taverns, green-grocers' booths, and fish-mongers' stalls.
They would come back, they said, with ships ready to take our people to the Mid Realms.
Once he was a great and feared commander of an army, and he came back to Tatooine with ships and troops at his command to free the planet's slaves.