At last we came to a fork in the road, with a sign.
I, for one, think every shoelace should come with a simple sign "shoe laces may or may not be dangerous".
We might as well be coming up here with a big sign, Here we come.
Lost while driving around Newark one day, my friends and I came upon a little shack, with a hand-painted sign and a smoker in front.
He came to an elevator with a sign above it that said Hospital Personnel Only and he punched the button.
Soon a large, single-story building came into view with a long, vertical sign running down the left side of the entrance.
A number of them were coming out of a building with a sign that said,Project Guard Office.
After 15 minutes or so, you will come to an intersection with a sign indicating Benevento.
"I'm going to come here with a big sign," he promised, his frustration showing.
In physics, any electric charge comes with a sign, either positive or negative.