"We are going to have to come up with better and stronger and more consistent performances," he added.
But it's hard to come up with performances like this over and over again.
In some ways, his career received a magical boost when he came up with crucial performances and shots in the playoffs last year.
"I grew up a Montreal fan, watching Patrick Roy come up with big performances and there's no better a guy than Patrick Roy for those big games," Hartley said.
He had come up with strong performances in the practice and the qualifying, and was scheduled to do the opening double stint.
On Air Coming Up With performances from Trio Manouche, Royal Opera House's Don Giovanni and Simon Callow.
With The Hindu signalling that the trio have come up with "nuanced performances".
Credit for this must go primarily to the two principal performers - Aftab Shivdasani and Lisa Ray - who come up with proficient performances.
But we've got to keep coming up with big performances.
During the semi-finals and the final, the show gives a backstage look to all of the performances, and how the producers and acts come up with performances.