But air strikes are no substitute for the coherent new policy the administration must soon come up with to rescue crumbling United Nations sanctions and revitalize efforts to halt Iraq's development of biological, chemical and nuclear weapons.
Come up with new initiatives to rescue your country, instead of hanging on to the failed ideology inherited from a former Dictator, because, he wanted to unite the five Somali speaking countries hence the white star with 5 angles on the Blue flag.
Fortunately, King George came up at this moment to rescue his mother and escort her himself, for she loathed the Kaiser, both personally and for the sake of Schleswig-Holstein.
But no agency has come up with a viable plan to rescue the service.
"By the time we came up to rescue you, all I noticed you demonstrating was your ability to snore."
Sharpe comes up with a risky plan to rescue the women.
He has a crush on Taruto, and even helps her and the group, such as when he came up with a plan to rescue a cat which was trapped in a house.
It's about time the few foreign hopefuls, but yet uneducated about the facts, move onand come up with new ways to rescue the 'Somalia' as the Somali Republic will be NO more.
She contacts her husband's best friend, Chris Halloran, who comes up from Los Angeles to rescue her.