Management estimates that the union's offer comes to 17 percent.
Its long-term debt came to $27.1 billion, or 42 percent of the total.
That's as close as you want to come to 10 percent.
This came to 0.0013 percent or an average of 10 cents from each domestic program.
Company sales to those countries in 1986 came to $36 million, or 13 percent of total exports.
On Day 11, the 79:37 in live sports came to 54.6 percent of the night.
Overall, his profit came to 142 percent of the $15,183 he invested.
Ford's share in October came to 24.6 percent of the total market, up 2.1 percentage points.
"But it might come back down to below 6 percent if economic data turns weaker," he said.
For 2001 it may come down to less than 5 percent.