"It has adjusted to cover a lot of new things that have come to existence."
In other words, the language only comes to existence when uttered not intentionally but in a practice of everyday life.
It was a time when there weren't a hundred million channels and the Internet and all of the other things that came to existence.
At this stage it is already possible to report somewhat complex series of impressions; we can say that language has come to existence.
Structural engineering came to existence when the humans first started to construct their own structures.
Debord said that the society of the spectacle came to existence in the late 1920s.
The most comprehensive plan came about in the 1970s, but none of this came to existence.
And at that moment the title 'costume designer' first came to existence on a Kurosawa film.
Many regional news channels and daily papers came to existence.
It has thin name because there are many small mountains which came to existence in the last ice age.