It comes pre-loaded with a specially-customized Symbian Anna operating system, giving a theme that blends with the color of the handset.
The set-top box is manufactured by Linksys, and comes pre-loaded with movies (that you need to unlock by paying for them).
Acorn comes pre-loaded with a lot of pen tips and paintable image stamps.
One of my workmates who picked up an Android phone from them found it came pre-loaded with 60 apps they couldn't remove without rooting.
The phone has the same hardware as the other editions of the N73 but comes pre-loaded with Islamic applications and the phone is completely white.
I only want one if it comes pre-loaded with "Wanda the Fish".
QEMU, the default boot option, is a free emulator that comes pre-loaded with Cosmos.
In two cases, he showed examples in which the computers came pre-loaded with the Netscape Navigator browser.
This time, we bought a four-gig computer, and then discovered that it came pre-loaded with a gig of software.
Zonbu comes pre-loaded with a number of software applications.