The meaning of the name is unknown, but it may come from the word net, in the sense of fishing net.
To the buyer, it's all coming from Enron in the sense that Enron has a corporate guarantee behind the contract.
It came out of the blue, in the sense that MacDonald had been virtually silent on the subject of popular music for several years before its publication.
The term comes from the noun beat in the sense of an assigned regular route or habitual path, as for a policeman.
Other sources say it comes from the Latin serrare, in the sense of an enclosed area, fenced or cordoned off.
The terminology comes from the notion of independence in the sense of boolean algebras.
It's emotional coming back in the sense that one night you're playing for the Dodgers and the next you're with another club.
"Smoke was coming out of the back of my computer," at least in the figurative sense, he recalled.
We don't know where she comes from, in the psychological sense, so it's difficult to get a bead on where she's going, or how her experiences change her.
So both groups had come a similar distance in the sense of having the indications that there was something interesting to pursue further.