Kovac's final appearance in the series came late in the episode, when he comes to pick up Abby before they leave for Boston.
She has played "The 30s Woman", a dead body that comes back to life in the third episode of Pushing Daisies.
Each Doctor faces his own trial alone, before coming together in the final episode to confront the Sirens of Time.
His only major role came in the episode "Operation: Mind Menace".
His most notable appearance came in the final episode of Seinfeld, where he played the jailer of the four main characters.
Gears' most prominent appearance came in the episode "Changing Gears".
The worst moments come in the final episode, when the filmmakers try to tie the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 into their theme.
She came in the first episode of the show as Neena.
There is generally no continuity from one "Adventures" segment to the next, and Bill comes back in the following episode good as new.
She came back in the last episode of Dream Team and had a small role.