The computer saw the device as a hard disk drive and it came in capacities of 8, 16, and 32 MBs.
The iriver H10 is a series of portable digital audio players made by iriver, coming in multiple capacities and sizes.
The original Bernoulli disks came in capacities of 5, 10, and 20 MB.
The ICC comes in different capacities, with the more recent versions issued at 64 and 144 kilobytes (KB).
Although Memory Stick PRO Duo comes in larger capacities, the maximum supported by the P910i is 2GB.
The drive comes in capacities of 100, 120 and 160 gigabytes, and prices start under $140.
Slow cookers come in capacities from 500 ml (16 oz) to 7 liters (7.4 US quarts).
The X-Fi Style comes in capacities of 8, 16, and 32 GB.
The ZEN Wav comes in capacities of 2 and 4 GB.
It will come in capacities of up to 1TB, and like the Elgato drive has just a single Thunderbolt port.