A small smile came and went from her face.
Which was almost as great a shock, coming from his fierce face.
Suddenly the side monitor came on, just inches from her face, a streaky video blur.
It was an odd sound to hear coming from his still face.
"Gaze not upon me," the statue said, now with no smoke coming from its face.
Judging by the way the view was brightly yellow-rimmed, the illumination appeared to be coming from his own face.
Then a long gasp came from his fat face when he heard the voice of Wheels Bryant speaking.
The big brown eyes that regarded him with concern might have come from a doe's face.
Didn't care enough to come and wash the mud from his face when they dragged him out of the ditch!
There came from his glistening white face a long drawn-out sigh then, which was all too characteristic of him and had always been.