It looked like it had come through about ninety miles of splash and low country.
It was coming towards them at about ten miles an hour, throwing up a creamy wake.
We came about eight miles this morning, and then outspanned for breakfast.
The rock, estimated to be 10 to 20 feet in diameter, came within about 55,000 miles of Earth.
Of Gooden's 77 pitches, 49 were strikes, and his fastballs came in about 85 to 90 miles an hour.
What happens is that the pitch comes back at you about 100 miles an hour.
We had been coming onto the main road at about five miles an hour when three men had blocked our exit.
How do you suppose we're going to crawl through water that's coming out of the mountain at about sixty miles an hour.
They came ashore about two miles down the coast and travelled by land to the perimeter of the camp!
The last and heaviest air attack of the day came at 1650 about 100 miles off Corregidor.