The price for a combined train and bus ticket is R$ 3.95.
A combined train and Metrô ticket costs R$ 4.95.
The combined train 43-52 next passed Belleville station.
The gardens at Plas Tan-y-Bwlch are open to the public and combined train and garden tickets are available.
The combined train and boat ride takes two hours and departs hourly.
The new combined train now had two wooden cars sandwiched between the locomotives, a steel Pullman car, and other steel cars.
The combined train in the early 1960s had as many as 22 cars pulled by five locomotives.
Between New York and Boston the Acela Express has up to a 54% share of the combined train and air market.
A one-day bus pass and a combined unlimited train and bus pass are also available.
Thursday's pace of the combined train was much slower and steadier, Robinson said.