If the 1990 combined prices turned out to be higher than $1,000, Simon would pay them the difference in cash.
In fiscal year 2010 alone, the combined federal and state price tag for these services was some $120 billion.
Last year, she finally found them, a two-bedroom next to a studio, facing the river, for a combined price of $135,000.
The combined price for the two transactions is $147.5 million.
The combined price of the purchases is about $357.6 million.
He donated a second lot to the losing bidder; the combined price for both was $1.1 million.
At a combined price of under $2,600, they offer functions similar to those on equipment that other companies are selling for $10,000 to $30,000.
The combined price for both stations was reported as $800,000.
That would be the combined price paid for as many as seven separate licenses in each region being licensed.
A bidding war in February 2001 led for a combined price of $192,000 for the spaces.