The central government also agreed to help the provinces restructure their combined $23 billion debt.
And if Third World countries defaulted together, the very size of their combined debts could give them massive bargaining power.
At the same time, they have a combined total debt of $200 billion.
Before Ronald Reagan all 40 Presidents ran up a combined national debt of $994.3 billion.
The increase in combined public and private debt was driven by private companies borrowing money abroad to finance operations.
The combined debt of both companies amounted to RM5.5 billion.
Many students also have debts outstanding from their undergraduate years, and the average combined debt in those cases is $32,800, she said.
At the end of 1989, Latin America's combined foreign debt was $422 billion.
In order to help pay off their combined debt, Nell bought an old tractor and worked wherever she could and long into her elderly years.
McDonnell Douglas and its subsidiary have a combined debt of about $5.2 billion.