Combining his love of judo with his passion for football, rugby and lacrosse, Winston began training more regularly.
He combined his original academic interest in English with his passion for biology by writing 11 books, several of which won top awards.
Once she had finished studying tourism at college it seemed logical to combine her training with her passion for the mammals.
In Mr. Ritter's case, he combined diving with his other passion, local history.
Her lack of finesse combined with her passion was a strange mixture that had sent his own desire soaring nearly out of control.
After he had returned to his ship, the extreme heat, combined with the absence of surgical aid and his passion for drink, soon ended his life.
He began combining his musical talents with his new passion for evangelist work.
Combine your love of chocolate and cakes with your passion for Paris!
Combining his engineering degree and manufacturing knowledge with his passion for sports, Jenkins went to work developing whey-based powders.
After her education she began combining her interest of Media and Television with her passion for integrative wellness.