I like to think of a man who combines wonderful teaching with the everyday struggle of living.
Combining teaching and writing, he was on his way.
At Sonoma State University since 1974, his career has combined performance, scholarship and teaching.
Such education combines teaching of both practical skills and theoretical expertise.
The education which takes place at vocational universities combines teaching of both practical skills and theoretical expertise.
The courses provided at Sunderland, for example, combine traditional teaching with vocational training.
The number of lecturers choosing to combine part-time teaching with a second job in a related field is on the up.
At first combining teaching with the spiritual life was difficult for Mutien, and his students were known as disruptive and out of control.
Rosario Marciano was a musician who combined performance, scholarship and teaching.
Education was based solely on Humboldt's model of university combining research and teaching.