Biathlon is an Olympic sport combining shooting and cross-country skiing.
The sport, which drew 68 contestants from 20 countries, combines cross-country skiing with target shooting.
The 24-year-old Thompson hit 19 of 20 targets and had the second-fastest skiing time in the event, which combines cross-country skiing with target shooting.
The biathlon is a Nordic event that combines cross-country skiing and rifle marksmanship.
The following resorts combine good restaurants, health club and spa facilities and great skiing.
The sport combines skiing, parachuting, snow kiting and parasailing.
Biathlon refers to the winter sport that combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting.
The event, which combines cross-country skiing and marksmanship, has its roots in the European military.
He combined ordinary skiing with jumping and slalom.
However, biathlon usually refers specifically to the winter sport that combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting.