He was part of Inteflex, a 6-year program combining pre-medical and medical school that accepted students directly from high school.
Some firms have training programs that combine graduate school and work.
Today she's 28, and she recently told me that I showed her how to combine work, family and school in her life.
Some extracurricular activities at Bronx Prep combine the middle school and high school.
In 1995, this school changed its name to the present one, combining senior high school (grade 10-12) and junior high school levels.
The program seeks to incorporate a college preparatory curriculum motivated by combining school, church activities and the students home.
There are four primary schools and one combined primary school and Hauptschule.
This award is given to young artist, who combine school with a music career.
We'll also see campuses that combine high school, community college and graduate schools, all in the same place.
The district operates one elementary school and one combined junior-senior high school.