Forging the ideology that became known as Fascism, he gave voice to the considerable number who tried to combine socialism and nationalism.
The population cohort that belong to the Generation Next often combine nationalism with popular culture during the celebrations.
Its policy platform combines civic nationalism with socialist views on economic and social issues.
By combining nationalism with the politicization of art, artists maintained a level of freedom that continues to inspire innovation.
It has combined nationalism with some elements of socialism without, however, disturbing basic property rights.
It was intended to more closely combine German nationalism and socialism.
Bartok's achievement, as he reached deeply into a folk culture and transformed the results, was to combine nationalism with cosmopolitanism.
The most recent current to combine nationalism and anarchism is National-Anarchism a position developed in Europe during the 1990s.
It combined religious sentiments, nationalism and socialist thoughts.
The backlash has given rise to leftist politicians who have combined pocketbook issues and economic nationalism to explosive effect.