Normally it is not possible to combine physical measures.
A cross-sectoral approach (land use planning - mobility - health) will combine measures that fit perfectly to the sensible Alpine Space.
Instead, the U.S. will combine several measures.
Nearly every vocal aspect of this "Gotterdammerung" also combined equal measures of weaknesses and strengths.
Brazil's most likely initial steps will combine tax increases, import restrictions and cost-cutting measures.
The program, combining administrative and regulatory measures and legislative proposals, responds to a problem that has grown enormously in the last decade.
I agree that it is important for us to combine economic and social measures.
A comprehensive Community concept should possibly combine innovative measures with an examination of existing instruments.
Effective and coherent action against these diseases should therefore offer different solutions depending on the case, but also combine measures on several levels.
This approach would combine necessary measures in a single directive and prevent unnecessary bureaucratic expenditure.