A museum director ideally combines scholarly credentials, management skills, charismatic leadership and fund-raising abilities.
In contrast, Gaddis writes, "American officials saw nothing strange in combining executive leadership with a careful acknowledgment of individual sovereignties.
These plans combine leadership, total workforce education, and widespread employee participation with a reward system linked to group and/or organization performance.
In the Wood Memorial at Aqueduct this Saturday, the favorite is very likely to be Fugaichi Pegasus, whose name combines Japanese legend and leadership.
Democratic centralism combines central leadership with local initiative and creative activity and with the responsibility of each state body and official for the work entrusted to them.
By combining national leadership here in Washington with community activism, we can, and we will, save America, one child and one neighborhood at a time.
The association's mission is to combine business development, leadership, and social activism to expand economic opportunities for the LGBT community and allies.
It seemed reasonable to combine scientific leadership and technical expertise on a local scale by jointly offering this new way to train promising scientists from around the world.
"Barry combines academic leadership, business expertise, public service and a passion for the arts and humanities."
Combining effective leadership with a tireless work ethic, she has shown time and again that she has the courage and independence to stand up and fight for individuals and families.