Ski Esprit groups run for three to five days, combining instruction with guiding - with the same instructor daily.
The SwimSafer Programme combines instruction in swimming and life-saving skills.
College Prep's mathematics curriculum combines visual, auditory, and kinesthetic instruction to learn concepts and skills.
The language courses combine self-guided learning and personal instruction.
Service learning is a method of teaching that combines formal instruction with a related service in the community.
MSPP uses an experiential education model, which combines academic instruction with supervised clinical experience.
The course combines instruction in the function, management and funding of taxonomic collections and institutes.
Course instruction assumed a pattern combining both theory and practical instruction.
The educational programs of the Colegio International de Caracas combine academic instruction with a global world view.
The class combines instructor presentation, step-by-step explanation, hands-on instruction, group practice sessions and individual performance.