It was typical of Adam style to combine decorative neo-Gothic details into the classical framework.
The style aims to combine great fabrics, design and details, without being over-the-top.
And Namor Young, who combined details of two ex-boyfriends to conjure a missing common-law husband.
The eclectic design freely combines elements and details inspired by the Italian Renaissance, including its eleven bay loggia.
The following is a series of notes produced by combining details from several of Ars Technica's internal sources.
The book follows in Crichton's long history of combining technical details and action in his books, addressing quantum and multiverse theory.
The town-house hotel combines old-world details with modern amenities like flat-screen TVs.
Unlike approaches that combine entirety and details in software (fisheye views), focus-plus-context screens do not introduce distortion.
"I tried to combine contemporary details with very traditional details," Ms. Donner said.
It combines details from all four Indiana Jones films in one adventure.