Your hotel accommodation has been sensibly selected to combine comfort and convenience at really low prices.
It combined the strength and comfort of a cabin aircraft with the speed of a racer.
Keep a look out for boat designs that combine comfort and durability.
It combines the silence, smoothness and comfort of the most expensive motor car with a super-sports performance.
Simple shapes combine comfort and versatility, a treat for rainy days when lounging inside is the only option.
Ms. Ahrendts ascribed the line's popularity to the designers' knack for combining comfort with a touch of class.
Guest rooms are lavishly appointed, combining antique comfort with modern conveniences.
The sleek design makes it easy to move and store, combining comfort for baby with the convenience of a lightweight high chair.
It was supposed to combine American comfort with European dimensions and economy.
Inside, it has been designed to combine comfort with an elegant, sporty appearance.