Her work combines fantasy, facts, history and esoteric beliefs.
The similarities between cultures and time periods can be useful, but it is usually not easy to combine beliefs and histories from different groups.
These establishments, referred to by some as separatist or spiritual churches or cults, combine traditional beliefs in magic and divination with elements of Christianity.
Like many hill communities, the Hurkiya combine shamanistic beliefs to their Hindu religion.
Voodoo combines various African tribal beliefs with Anglo religions such as Catholicism.
The partnership combines traditional beliefs and local knowledge with the political and administrative tools needed to effectively manage habitats.
Today, many Utes combine Christianity and traditional beliefs, practicing both to varying degrees.
A creature forms an intention by combining desires, opinions and beliefs.
Some groups, particularly indigenous people who live in the mountains, follow a syncretic form of Catholicism that combines indigenous beliefs with orthodox Catholic doctrine.
They are folk religions, and combine different beliefs.