The next step is to combine these factors across all loci.
In our mind, a rating system involves combining variables across categories into a single, summary grade.
Although these rural gentlemen came from all shades of the political spectrum, they were men who combined across party lines and prejudices to promote an ideal.
For spoken language phonological information is required to understand how individual speech sounds (phonemes) combine and affect each other within words and across word boundaries.
Combining the character candidates across a complete word gives a number of candidate strings.
The challenge is to combine this data across all of the silos within the organization for a single view.
Quantitative reviews and meta-analyses ( 10,000 words) present, contrast, and (when appropriate) combine data across studies to address a specific study question related to environmental health.
Many of the programmes combine people across the four Universities giving a multi-disciplinary approach to the research.
The two carriers have been granted antitrust immunity to combine their operations across the Atlantic.
It combined the breathtaking greed of a few with irresponsibility all across the system.