The combination of oil, gas and coal easily represents over 81% of the world total primary energy supply.
But that combination represents only a small fraction of what telecommunications or computer companies and independent inventors say cellphones can do.
Thus, linear combinations of these two states can represent all possible states of the spin.
The combination of the colours represent the Hungarian flag.
Generally, each color and some combinations woven into kente cloth represent a concept.
This combination of green and gilt represents the leading edge of growth in skiing today.
This combination of the formal and informal represented a new feature of British town planning.
I would just like to point out that the combination of industry and rural areas could represent an opportunity for the future.
He acknowledged disappointment about the stock market's reaction to the deal, but said the combination represented "the right thing for the long-term value of the group."
Some combinations of colors represent furs, and these have names that are only used in heraldry.