"This film-shutter combination also enables you to give water a mist-like quality."
The combination enabled him to win the $5 singing contest for 15 consecutive weeks.
This combination enables the Lab to simultaneously meet the needs of the present day while helping shape the future of information technology.
Also the combination of both activities enables banks to reduce overall operating costs.
A combination of this and prayer enabled him to survive until he was rescued by his employees and friends.
The combination enabled the Yankees to continue playing and avoid their briefest postseason appearance since 1980.
The combination of hermaphroditism and early reproduction enables small populations to grow at an explosive rate.
A combination of hard work and also a special diet sponsored by his team enabled him to develop a strong body and become an athlete.
That combination should enable them to reach the anchor safely.
The combination of the two enabled the city to host the 1976 Republican National Convention.