In each painting, a large form, a combination of nature and architecture dominates.
Due to their relatively slow speed, and lack of organization, discipline, and tactics, the combination of pike and shot still dominated the battlefields of Europe.
For a very large number of coin tosses, the combinations to 50% heads and 50% tails dominates and obtaining an outcome significantly different from 50/50 becomes extremely unlikely.
Though single malts are only part of the overall blend (the rest is mixed-grain whisky), the combination of malts dominates the taste.
Once again the aerial combination of Schwenk passing to Lach dominated the highlights.
Analysts contend that the combination of the unit with Corning's business would dominate the market, controlling nearly half of the world's fiber supply.
The intent of this portfolio allocation model is to ensure that no single market or strategy-market combination dominates the portfolio over an extended period of time.
Kim was especially enthralled by the relationship of words and music, and works for voice and various combinations of instruments dominated his output.
The combination of the health plans, with more than 10 million members across the country, would dominate the South Florida market.
The Fedorov-Mogilny-Bure combination dominated the world junior hockey tournament in 1989, when they represented the Soviet Union.