As Monsanto sees it, the combination of low inflation during the recession and Government policies designed to control prices makes continual cost-cutting necessary.
It is a combination designed to keep an elite acceptable to the Islamic Republic in power, and the population in check.
Scanned images are fragmented and reorganized in combinations designed to reconfigure reality.
The sacks were filled with a combination of pitch, oil, wood, offal, and metal shavings, designed to produce a good imitation of industrial smog.
The controllers are an all-in one design using a combination of an 8-direction digital joystick and a 270-degree paddle, designed by John Amber.
This is a combination of the British Parliamentary and Australian formats, designed to meet the needs of the tournament.
Rudman describes sambo as "is a combination of many forms of martial arts, designed to give Soviet soldiers the edge in combat fighting".
The platforms for local trains are a combination of both island and individual platforms, designed to handle 15-car trains.
He also played flumpet, a trumpet-flugelhorn combination specially designed for him.
The soprano recitative is accompanied by a simple recorder trio, a combination designed to represent the "aura of the angels".