The game also had combat elements as players could use weapons during a race.
There are 10 different scenarios to choose from including a number which focus specifically on the combat element of the game.
There are real-time combat elements in addition to light role-playing elements.
You can also turn off the combat element if that doesn't appeal to you and just fly around for the sheer fun of it.
The headquarters group in Bangkok performs the usual general staff functions, including planning and directing operations of the combat elements.
Knowing that austerity had alienated the officers, the Busia government began to change the leadership of the army's combat elements.
While mostly an adventure game, the combat elements take place in the normal Deception fighting mode.
The level designs are platform-based with combat elements, and have an overall linear design.
In games with a combat element, this might involve manning a separate combat station on a larger vehicle.
The first combat elements of S-25 were delivered to the military in 1954.