Her consciousness came to reside in the body of a young comatose girl known as Kwannon.
He discovers that Marcone had the Shroud stolen hoping to cure a comatose girl.
She does bring back the spirit of Juliana, but inserts it into the body of a comatose girl.
Neurosurgeons at Kenosha Memorial Hospital said the comatose girl might never awaken or, if she did, would likely be severely handicapped.
A nearly comatose 13-year-old girl who had been at the center of a court battle over her life support at a hospital here died this morning.
She explains that after she died, her consciousness migrated to the body of a comatose Japanese girl named Kwannon, who was "happy to go the light".
No answer from the comatose girl.
Preeti informs Harshvardhan, but when they both arrive at the house, the comatose girl dies of shock unexpectedly.
Along with her father, a former army ranger, and a young comatose girl, Jade confronts Freddy.
Miwa Isono appears episodes five and six of the television series as a comatose girl rescued from a burning hospital who later forms a relationship with Amamiya.