Some milestones have been found along the road (taking columnar form).
The boundary between columnar forms and tree-like or shrubby forms is difficult to define.
The appeal of the tree lies chiefly in its compact, columnar form, not dissimilar to the Lombardy Poplar.
By contrast, "Meditation" flowed like a stream from skirt-flaring whirlpools into a columnar form.
His work, tall and imposing, gives hints of figuration, incorporating long, columnar forms that can suggest the limbs of people or animals.
The two sixty-story towers were on the river's edge, and are well known Chicago features, with striking multi-lobed columnar forms often described as "corn cobs".
If you remove the new shoot, you will maintain the columnar form you have become used to.
The earliest works are from the "Con Edison" series, a group of 10 sculptures from 1963-64 that include wall reliefs and columnar forms.
Diagnostic columnar forms of stromatolites are uncommon.
He came out in a huge, chamber-like cave of some marble-pallid stone with twisted columnar forms.