This column on Saturday misstated West's diamond holding in the partial diagram in the analysis.
Thursday's column misstated the number of spade ruffs declarer had to take on the board.
This column on Monday misstated the card that East used to take the second trick.
The column also misstated the scope of the change.
The column also misstated the title of another bank officer, Thomas J. Tobin.
The column also misstated the festival's deficit so far for the fiscal year ending Aug. 31.
This column on Monday misstated the score for making one club, redoubled and vulnerable, with five overtricks.
The column also misstated the year Tysabri was withdrawn from the market after reports of complications in three patients.
The column also misstated the purpose of a $100,000 gift from the J.
The column also misstated his title; it is clinical associate professor, not professor.