A chart on page 3 displays two columns labelled in bold face, "The Passing World and The Emerging World".
Use cases are normally written in the form of a chart with two columns: first column labelled actor, second column labelled world, and the actions performed by each side written in order in the respective columns.
In the following truth table the column labelled "taut" for tautology evaluates logical equivalence (symbolized here by ) between the two columns labelled d. Because all four rows under "taut" are 1's, the equivalence indeed represents a tautology.
To broaden the emphasis on a two-handed process chart it is possible to add another column labelled 'attention' or 'sensory activity'and to try to describe human activity in these areas at particular points in the sequence.
The state-machine's operations are listed on the column labelled "State machine instruction ".
Each name was numbered and next to each name was the man's government title, his telephone numbers, and a column labelled "fee schedule."
The calculated data are shown in the columns labelled with (2).
The table shows the properties of some actual space plasma (see the columns labelled Actual).
In the database world, developers are sometimes tempted to bypass the RDBMS, for example by storing everything in one big table with three columns labelled entity ID, key, and value.