The engines gathered up their colossal strength and impelled the Fool's Errand into the nullvoid.
Warduke: A lieutenant with colossal strength and an insatiable lust for battle.
With his colossal strength he can get the ball into the batsman's armpit without any significant change in his action.
His metal torso and limbs hinted his colossal strength.
With every bit of his colossal strength he lunged forward and staggered to his feet.
Refilling the lake had been a major priority, since not even the fortress's colossal strength could support itself and the two giant warships for long.
His mocking enemy, carried away by his own histrionics, had overtaxed his colossal strength.
Crooked Mick - A champion shearer who had colossal strength and quick wit.
Meg thought she had never seen such a glorious man, never encountered such colossal strength.
His colossal strength, even his callousness about women, attracted them.