"Colorfully put, Number One, but not much help," Picard wryly said as he hauled Data to his feet.
Photographers would thus not only choose colorful scenes, but put colorfully costumed people in it to enhance the viewing experience.
After all, whose mind would you check in on, as you so colorfully put it?
As Taney so colorfully put the matter, blacks "had no rights which the white man was bound to respect."
"I am not planning to 'bed' him, as you so colorfully put it."
It is, in fact, completely 'cut and dried,' as you so colorfully put it.
"Colorfully put, but I'm hoping so," April responded, eyeing Raze in the main viewer.
As Mark Randall colorfully put it, guys like this never had to prove they had guts.
None have proved to be anything other than wild-goose chases, as you so colorfully put it.