The light-weight, durable, and colorful plastic makes an ideal medium for the creation of light shades, and a number of designs have been developed using interlocking sections to create elaborate designs.
Designers and manufacturers wanted to say two words to us - just two words - "colorful plastics."
Long, thin wooden slats with evenly spaced holes are connected together with various fasteners made of colorful plastic.
Mantlo and Michael Golden (the artist on Micronauts) took a few bits of colorful plastic and built an entire (subatomic) universe around them, with its own history, mythology, personalities, and even an alphabet.
The parts were molded from more colorful plastics, and small building sets were developed for simple models such as vehicles.
One could hardly call them poles, however, because they were about 12 inches of colorful plastic, like children's toys.
Norman Crider, a New York jewelry dealer, returned to the show with more fake jewelry - both colorful plastic and glittering paste worth from $100 up to $15,000.
Regan handed Nate a ring of colorful plastic to jiggle.
Investigators from the 40th Precinct dusted for fingerprints in the apartment and along the hallways yesterday, checking around the colorful plastic Santa Claus on the front door of Ms. Brito's apartment.
"Color Coded," Jerry Mischak's labyrinth of colorful plastic piling, emerges from the building's bathroom like a plumber's nightmare come true.