The old woman's story is one of the most colorful episodes in the novel.
The human occupation of present-day Old Town began around three thousand years ago, and some of the most colorful episodes of Florida history occurred here.
She suggests that adults "Read it aloud, discuss and savor the colorful episodes."
Thereafter, the piece expanded as a free fantasy full of inventive, colorful episodes.
Alec Russell says: "...for the many colorful episodes in Banda's rise to power.
Steve changes from unbelievably nice guy into violent, abusive husband in record time, even if these are among the film's most colorful and involving episodes.
Challenge 44 new stages in four colorful episodes as you help them construct useful buildings, collect needed resources, and restore the magical totems.
But they are also pledging not to further embarrass a city that has grown weary of colorful episodes and scandals.
As the United States Open's tournament director, Talbert was involved in several colorful episodes, from the sublime to the absurd.
Publishers weekly described the dialogue as "snappy" and complimented the "colorful episodes" throughout the novel.